How to Plan for Life’s Uncertainties
How to Plan for Life’s Uncertainties

No one wants to think about an unfortunate event happening to them in the future because of life’s uncertainties.

However, it would help if you plan for an unexpected catastrophe or tragedy before it strikes. 

Then you don’t have to worry about financial hardships resulting from the event. Not only could it make your life easier in the future, but it could also make your family’s life easier.

Below are four ways you can prepare for life’s uncertainties.

1) Prepare Your Powers of Attorney 

If you become incapacitated due to a severe injury or illness, you’ll want the right decisions to be made regarding your finances and health care.

But since you won’t be conscious of making those decisions yourself, you’ll need someone you can trust to make those decisions on your behalf.

For this reason, you must set up the appropriate powers of attorney for all your financial and healthcare matters.

Your healthcare power of attorney will be the person who makes decisions regarding your medical treatments when you’re not conscious enough to decide for yourself.

Likewise, your financial power of attorney makes the decisions regarding your business and financial affairs. The two powers of attorney don’t have to be the same person. The choice is yours.

It is fast and affordable to set up your powers of attorney without hiring a lawyer to do it for you.

United Wealth Education offers a low-cost MyCare Plan package to help you set up all your essential legal documents, including healthcare power of attorney, financial power of attorney, last will, and living trust.

2) Life Insurance 

Life insurance offers financial support to your family if you die from natural causes or an accident.

Different life insurance policies cover various expenses, but most of them cover your funeral and mortuary expenses.

But you can choose a more expensive life insurance policy if you want it to cover other expenses beyond your funeral costs.

This coverage is essential if your family is financially dependent on you. For example, you can choose more life insurance coverage to pay off any existing debts for your family, such as mortgages, car loans, credit cards, etc.

Some life insurance policies can even supply your family with enough money to keep them financially stable for several years.

3) Disability Insurance 

Life’s uncertainties don’t always lead to death. Instead, you could suffer a severe injury that leaves you with a short-term or long-term disability.

It could happen from a workplace accident, traffic accident, or an unexpected health scare.

Any of these incidents could prevent you from returning to work, which means you won’t be able to generate an income for yourself and your family.

Disability insurance is the best way to prepare for these situations. It can provide you with a financial reimbursement on all the income you lose because of your unexpected disability.

That way, you and your family can continue to pay the bills while you’re out of work and recovering from your injury.

Some employers offer disability insurance to their full-time employees. Otherwise, you could purchase a disability insurance plan outside of your employer.

You could also turn to the federal government and apply for Social Security Disability if you have earned enough work credits.

4) Health Insurance 

Hospital and medical bills are costly in the United States. Even simple doctor’s appointments and prescription drug purchases are expensive for families.

But if you suffer a severe injury or illness that requires you to stay in the hospital or receive long-term rehabilitation, you could be looking at tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills, if not more.

Health insurance is something no one likes paying for because the premiums are usually hundreds of dollars per month.

However, it is essential to have health insurance because it can cover the majority of your expenses for emergency hospital treatment, rehabilitation, ambulance transportation, prescription medication, and subsequent doctor’s appointments.

As a result, you and your family won’t go into bankruptcy or suffer financial ruin because of an unexpected medical issue.

Look to your employer or to find affordable health insurance options.


Preparing for life’s uncertainties will make them easier to manage if they occur. Then you and your family can have financial peace of mind while focusing on settling your personal affairs.


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