5 Ways Innovative Technology Can Improve Our Lives
5 Ways Innovative Technology Can Improve Our Lives

The newest generations do not know how lucky they are to have modern innovative technology to improve their lives.

Three decades ago, the average person did not have a personal computer, high-speed internet, smart watches, smartphones, GPS systems, and all the other technological innovations which make our current lives easier.

Older generations may yearn for simpler times, but have they weighed the pros and cons of modern technology?

Let us examine the top 5 ways innovative technology can improve our lives.

1) Track Your Vital Signs Anywhere 

Traditionally, the only way to check your vital signs was to visit your primary care physician for in-person testing.

Now, you have the luxury of checking your vital signs without the assistance of a doctor or nurse. All you need is wearable technology designed to measure your vital signs.

Wearable technology comes in many forms, such as smartwatches, electrocardiograms, and VR headsets.

Smartwatches are the most popular forms of wearable technology because you can conveniently wear them on your wrists to track the current time, vital signs, and emails.

Just put the smartwatch on your wrist and let it do the rest. The best smartwatch technology can measure critical vital signs like blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen level, and heart rate.

2) Request Helpful Services Anywhere 

Smartphones are the best phones ever invented. Not only do they serve as mobile phones to make remote calls, but they are also mobile computers too.

You can use a smartphone to download apps that offer mobile access to entertainment, food delivery services, rideshare transportation services, internet web browsers, educational materials, and more. 

For example, if your car breaks down on the side of an isolated road, you do not have to walk several miles to find a pay phone like you did in the old days.

Instead, you can use your smartphone to place a voice call or an app to request emergency roadside assistance without leaving your vehicle.

3) Telehealth 

Many people discovered the importance and convenience of virtual appointments with doctors during the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

Since physical medical offices were closed due to the pandemic, patients had to rely on telehealth technologies to consult their doctors remotely.

Telehealth or virtual doctor’s appointments usually occur via video conferencing software like Zoom.

They allow patients to discuss their health issues with doctors using their video camera, computer (or smartphone), and high-speed internet connection.

The doctor can make recommendations and write prescriptions to patients remotely based on the information discussed.

Despite the end of pandemic restrictions, an increasing number of patients want to continue receiving telehealth services because of their affordability, convenience, and speed.

They are also better suited for patients with disabilities who have trouble moving around and getting to the physical doctor’s offices.  

4) Remote Educational Opportunities 

Innovative technology gives everyone quick access to research information. Thanks to the combination of computer, internet, and software technologies, you can find answers to any question or information about any topic within seconds.

More people now use remote learning tools for schooling, especially poorer people with few educational opportunities in their local areas.

Now anyone can learn new skills or study topics without attending an expensive college or trade school.  

5) Easy Opportunity to Find Love 

Not everyone can find true love by approaching a potential partner at a bar or inside a workplace.

In fact, many modern workplaces forbid employees from developing intimate relationships with one another. The days of meeting your soul mate at work are over.

Fortunately, modern technology has produced sophisticated dating apps to help you find your ideal partner.

The dating apps can match you with partners based on specific filters you set, such as age, race, location, income, number of children, interests, etc. Finding true love has never been easier.


New innovative technology continues to be invented every year. Imagine how much more our lives will change over the next couple of decades because of technology. Will we have self-driving cars? Will 3D printers build our houses for us? Only time will tell.


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